
The IFS SCALE is available gratis to those conducting approved (e.g., university-sponsored) research projects.  It has been approved for use in a variety of research projects in universities, schools, and clinics around the world.


Anyone requesting use of the Scale in a research project is asked to submit an application, which can be obtained from Lia DeLand at (


Research on the IFS model is being supported and disseminated by The Foundation for Self-Leadership. The Foundation for Self-Leadership is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to expanding the base of empirical evidence around IFS by catalyzing and supporting independent, rigorous research on the efficacy of IFS in various settings. (

Because the Foundation for Self Leadership is doing such a wonderful job of supporting, advising on, and disseminating research based on the IFS model, we request that researchers who use the Scale contribute to this effort by considering a donation to the Foundation. We have been suggesting $10 per subject/participant (or whatever possible) with the expectation that the research results will be shared with the Foundation for further dissemination as appropriate.


Please contact Lia DeLand for more information (

For Those Participating In A Current Research Project, CLICK HERE.